Hi. My question may be difficult to explain, but here i go. I have a large
set of data which I analyze each week. I have created a vlookup function to
query weeknum & year which presents my data in a nice table format. I then
created a combo box with a "list" of all the colum names of data and "tied
in" the drop down line number into my vlookup function. I can now use my drop
down list to toggle through my data nicely. Here is my problem.

I have a chart which is driven off the data from the vlookup function. As i
toggle through my data with my combo box the chart updates. I'd like to be
able to have the charts do two things. 1-auto scale from something other than
zero on my Y access as i get large gaps below my data lines. 2-I'd like to be
able to have the chart names automatically update/change to whatever data i
am looking at through my combo box.
