Hi! Does anybody know a way to specify that a chart legend does not display
the name for a data series? Basically, I have 5 series plotted to allow for
up to 5 modes on my chart, and all the points use the same coloured lines to
demonstrate that they are all the same thing (modes). The legend wants to
display the names for all of them ("Mode 1", "Mode 2", etc...) but I would
prefer it to have just one entry (i.e. I would change "Mode 1" to simply
"Mode", to show that any green line is a mode, regardless of how many there
are - could range from 0 to 5 modes, depending on the data).
Is there a way (preferably avoiding VBA) to not show all the series names?
(I must have the legend visible to show the parts I do want seen). I thought
of just typing a space for the series name so that it comes up blank, but I
still get the 5 green line indicators, and I just need one.
If anybody has any ideas I would be very grateful for the help.