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Scatter Chart Data Point Highlighting

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rvExcelNewTip Scatter Chart Data Point... 01-06-2006, 04:44 AM
Guest Re: Scatter Chart Data Point... 01-06-2006, 06:10 AM
Guest Re: Scatter Chart Data Point... 01-06-2006, 06:25 AM
Guest Re: Scatter Chart Data Point... 01-06-2006, 09:10 AM
rvExcelNewTip I tried the error bar... 01-08-2006, 05:54 AM
Guest Re: Scatter Chart Data Point... 01-08-2006, 12:40 PM
rvExcelNewTip That's cool Andy! But do... 01-08-2006, 01:21 PM
  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date

    Scatter Chart Data Point Highlighting

    I have a scatter chart with smooted lines and no data markers that represents a (one) mathematical function. Is it possible to highlight (mark) one data point and from that point draw parallel (dashed) lines to the x and y axes?

    By hovering over the chart you can pop up the data values but I want (if possible) the parrallel lines to better visualize the position of the selected point on the axes.

  2. #2
    Andy Pope

    Re: Scatter Chart Data Point Highlighting


    Add an extra series to the chart. This only needs a single x and y
    value. Change the series to plot a data marker with no line. Use the X
    and Y error bars of the new series to make connecting lines from the
    point to the axes.


    rvExcelNewTip wrote:
    > I have a scatter chart with smooted lines and no data markers that
    > represents a (one) mathematical function. Is it possible to highlight
    > (mark) one data point and from that point draw parallel (dashed) lines
    > to the x and y axes?
    > By hovering over the chart you can pop up the data values but I want
    > (if possible) the parrallel lines to better visualize the position of
    > the selected point on the axes.


    Andy Pope, Microsoft MVP - Excel

  3. #3
    Andy Pope

    Re: Scatter Chart Data Point Highlighting

    See Ed Ferrero's Intercept Vertical Lines example.

    Andy Pope wrote:
    > Hi,
    > Add an extra series to the chart. This only needs a single x and y
    > value. Change the series to plot a data marker with no line. Use the X
    > and Y error bars of the new series to make connecting lines from the
    > point to the axes.
    > Cheers
    > Andy
    > rvExcelNewTip wrote:
    >> I have a scatter chart with smooted lines and no data markers that
    >> represents a (one) mathematical function. Is it possible to highlight
    >> (mark) one data point and from that point draw parallel (dashed) lines
    >> to the x and y axes?
    >> By hovering over the chart you can pop up the data values but I want
    >> (if possible) the parrallel lines to better visualize the position of
    >> the selected point on the axes.



    Andy Pope, Microsoft MVP - Excel

  4. #4
    Tushar Mehta

    Re: Scatter Chart Data Point Highlighting

    In addition to Andy's suggestions, you may also want to look at

    Hover Chart Label


    Interactive Chart

    Neither is exactly what you want but...


    Tushar Mehta
    Excel, PowerPoint, and VBA add-ins, tutorials
    Custom MS Office productivity solutions

    In article <rvExcelNewTip.217g0z_1136537100.9843@excelforum-
    nospam.com>, rvExcelNewTip.217g0z_1136537100.9843...rum-nospam.com
    > I have a scatter chart with smooted lines and no data markers that
    > represents a (one) mathematical function. Is it possible to highlight
    > (mark) one data point and from that point draw parallel (dashed) lines
    > to the x and y axes?
    > By hovering over the chart you can pop up the data values but I want
    > (if possible) the parrallel lines to better visualize the position of
    > the selected point on the axes.
    > --
    > rvExcelNewTip
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > rvExcelNewTip's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=15668
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=498625

  5. #5
    Registered User
    Join Date
    I tried the error bar approach because it looked the simplest and most straightforward . But I'm now stuck with the following snag: The Y-axis has a logarithmic scale and whatever I try, I cannot get an error bar DOWN from the data point to the X-axis!

    I specified a value of 100% for the error, or alternatively I tried to Customize with the Negative Y-value (workshell location of Y value) but to no avail. If I selected Both (to have the error bar extended on both sides of the data point) only the upper part showed up!

    I'm working with Excel 2003. Is this a bug or does it "works as designed"?

  6. #6
    Andy Pope

    Re: Scatter Chart Data Point Highlighting


    Try adding another single point that is the correct X value, Y value is
    the same as where the x-axis crosses the Y axes. And use the + custom
    error bar value linked to the Y value.
    So the error bar is now connecting the axis to the point rather than the
    point to the axis.


    rvExcelNewTip wrote:
    > I tried the error bar approach because it looked the simplest and most
    > straightforward . But I'm now stuck with the following snag: The
    > Y-axis has a logarithmic scale and whatever I try, I cannot get an
    > error bar DOWN from the data point to the X-axis!
    > I specified a value of 100% for the error, or alternatively I tried to
    > Customize with the Negative Y-value (workshell location of Y value) but
    > to no avail. If I selected Both (to have the error bar extended on both
    > sides of the data point) only the upper part showed up!
    > I'm working with Excel 2003. Is this a bug or does it "works as
    > designed"?


    Andy Pope, Microsoft MVP - Excel

  7. #7
    Registered User
    Join Date
    That's cool Andy!

    But do you have any explanation for Excel's native behaviour?
    Last edited by rvExcelNewTip; 01-09-2006 at 03:47 AM.

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