Complicated being relative of course....

I have areas on my worksheet with 2 ranges (data similar to the

North South East West
Don 50 20 40 20
Mike 30 30 50 30

North South East West
Don 10 30 40 30
Mike 20 40 20 15

It's very simple to create a 3D chart using just ONE of the data ranges.
(individually with Mike and Don, and Region)

What I would like to do is to STACK the values of product B on top of those
values for Product A. I would then not care that Don and Mike had the same
color because I can view then on their axis, I WOULD want the legend to
reflect product, with one product having one color, and the second product
having another color.

For example, Don's Value of 10 for Product B North would be stack on Don's
vaue of 50 for North Product A for a total of 60. Each product has it's own
color code.... (It's preserves the depth, showing Name and Region on their
own axis, but with values of the products stacked.)

I tried adding data series manually, but my efforts have been futile.

Can anyone please help? Thank you so very much in advance.....

FWIW, I could create a pivot table easily (grouped by name AND product) but
I don't think that would help my cause

North South East West
Don A 10 20 30 40
Don B 20 30 40 50
Mike A 30 40 20 30
Mike B 10 20 30 40

Again, thank you.... I would owe someone big time.