Hi All,

Bit of a strange one this. I have a workbook containing lots of charts
built using dynamic ranges. I have built them in XL2000, where all is
well, but on opening in XL97 via a Citrix W2000 Desktop, the x-labels
disappear. I have tried all the following to get them to reappear:

-- Deleted the axis and put it back on
-- Changed the dynamic range to a static range
-- Set all the formatting options to automatic

but still they don't appear. I have tried creating a chart with the
offending dynamic range as the x-axis and that seems to work fine.
And, very wierdly, if i change the location of the chart to be
embedded, they appear, but on resetting to its own sheet, they
disappear again...!

The plot thickens... if i put the embedded chart on a blank chart
sheet, then it looks ok. If i then enlarge the chart to about 90% of
the screen, all is still well but if i enlarge it to the full screen,
the labels disappear!

So, my question really is has anyone seen anything like this before?
Does it sound like a bug in Citrix rather than Excel. If I recreate
the chart, do you think it will work (I'd rather not do this as it's a
bit complicated to set up - it's a multi-series side by side stack
