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Breakdown of data in a bar chart

  1. #1

    Breakdown of data in a bar chart

    I have created a bar chart showing 5 major categories. I would like to
    display the breakdown or distribution of the sub-categories that make up the
    data for the major category. Basically it's:

    Category 1: Cat 1.1 + Cat 1.2 + Cat 1.3
    Category 2: Cat 2.1 + Cat 2.2 + Cat 2.3 + Cat 2.4 + Cat 2.5
    Category 3: Cat 3.1 + Cat 3.2

    I am thinking of this as a "pie chart breakdown of a bar chart". A stacked
    bar chart does not work because Cat 1.1 and Cat 2.1 are different

    Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Jon Peltier

    Re: Breakdown of data in a bar chart

    But you could have lots of different subcategories:

    Cat 1.1 Cat 1.2 Cat 1.3 Cat 2.1 Cat 2.2 Cat 2.3 etc....
    Category 1 X X X
    Category 2 X X X
    Category 3

    Only put data in cells containing an X above.

    - Jon
    Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
    Peltier Technical Services
    Tutorials and Custom Solutions

    Steve wrote:

    > I have created a bar chart showing 5 major categories. I would like to
    > display the breakdown or distribution of the sub-categories that make up the
    > data for the major category. Basically it's:
    > Category 1: Cat 1.1 + Cat 1.2 + Cat 1.3
    > Category 2: Cat 2.1 + Cat 2.2 + Cat 2.3 + Cat 2.4 + Cat 2.5
    > Category 3: Cat 3.1 + Cat 3.2
    > etc.
    > I am thinking of this as a "pie chart breakdown of a bar chart". A stacked
    > bar chart does not work because Cat 1.1 and Cat 2.1 are different
    > subcategories.
    > Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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