
I am a biology graduate student who is taking many measurements of animals
(height, weight, tail length, etc. & don't worry - they all survive). I have
a spreadsheet set up with ~200 rows [the measurement as described above] and
~100 columns [representing the various animals I have caught and measured]. I
would like to create an XY (Scatter) chart for each row of data on seperate
worksheets, using column headers as x-axis labels, and the row header as both
the y-axis and chart title label. Of lesser importance is to turn off the
legend (the chart title says enough about the graph) and to have the zoom set
at 75% (to be able to see the entire chart all at once - my screen loses the
edges of charts set at 100%). Eventually I would like to figure out how to
utilize dynamic charting (automatic updating of charts) with this as I will
constantly add new species and measurements.

Is there a way of automatically generating all these graphs? I am currently
creating them individually, but would rather highlight the row(s) of
interest, then have the charts created for me. And as I will more than likely
need to start learning VBA to create this stuff for myself, does anyone have
recommendations for a particularly good, easy to understand beginner's guide
to VBA?

Thank you for your responses,
