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show in a excel graphic a total percentage for 5 diff data fiels

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  1. #1

    show in a excel graphic a total percentage for 5 diff data fiels

    I need to make a graphic showing the percentage for 5 diff fields, e.i. pmc
    total 16, nmcs total 10, pmcs total 5, nmcm total 0, and nmcs total 3, this
    it should be based on a total of 100% combine. at this tiem I can't figure
    out the formula how to make read all 5 columns, please help.
    If need it I can forward the project file to make better sense of it.

    Thank you.


  2. #2
    Tushar Mehta

    Re: show in a excel graphic a total percentage for 5 diff data fiels

    Select the 5 fields and create a pie chart. The size of each slice
    depends on the % value of that data item compared to the total.

    I don't understand the 2nd bit about "formula to make read all 5


    Tushar Mehta
    Excel, PowerPoint, and VBA add-ins, tutorials
    Custom MS Office productivity solutions

    In article <[email protected]>,
    [email protected] says...
    > I need to make a graphic showing the percentage for 5 diff fields, e.i. pmc
    > total 16, nmcs total 10, pmcs total 5, nmcm total 0, and nmcs total 3, this
    > it should be based on a total of 100% combine. at this tiem I can't figure
    > out the formula how to make read all 5 columns, please help.
    > If need it I can forward the project file to make better sense of it.
    > Thank you.
    > Julio

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