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Change series in a chart

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Change series in a chart

    Hi guys,

    My first post. I have data for residents of the care home that I work at. One example is their monthly weights. I presently have the data in the following form:

    jan feb mar apr may
    Resident 1 108 109 107 105 106
    Resident 2 220 225 219 226 222

    I would like to have a control box or something on the line chart of a resident's weights so that I can choose which resident's monthly weights to display. The x-axis is the month and the y-axis the weight. I can't seem to figure out how to get a macro to do this.
    Thanks a bunch

  2. #2
    Ed Ferrero

    Re: Change series in a chart

    Hi trispirit32,

    One way is shown in 'Chart Selector' at

    Ed Ferrero

    > Hi guys,
    > My first post. I have data for residents of the care home that I work
    > at. One example is their monthly weights. I presently have the data in
    > the following form:
    > jan feb mar apr may
    > Resident 1 108 109 107 105 106
    > Resident 2 220 225 219 226 222
    > I would like to have a control box or something on the line chart of a
    > resident's weights so that I can choose which resident's monthly
    > weights to display. The x-axis is the month and the y-axis the weight.
    > I can't seem to figure out how to get a macro to do this.
    > Thanks a bunch
    > Stuart
    > --
    > trispirit32
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > trispirit32's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=25580
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=390050

  3. #3
    Tushar Mehta

    Re: Change series in a chart

    No need for a macro. Adapt the ideas at
    Dynamic Charts
    specifically example 4.


    Tushar Mehta
    Excel, PowerPoint, and VBA add-ins, tutorials
    Custom MS Office productivity solutions

    In article <trispirit32.1sr2my_1122336367.7407@excelforum-nospam.com>,
    trispirit32.1sr2my_1122336367.7407@e...rum-nospam.com says...
    > Hi guys,
    > My first post. I have data for residents of the care home that I work
    > at. One example is their monthly weights. I presently have the data in
    > the following form:
    > jan feb mar apr may
    > Resident 1 108 109 107 105 106
    > Resident 2 220 225 219 226 222
    > I would like to have a control box or something on the line chart of a
    > resident's weights so that I can choose which resident's monthly
    > weights to display. The x-axis is the month and the y-axis the weight.
    > I can't seem to figure out how to get a macro to do this.
    > Thanks a bunch
    > Stuart
    > --
    > trispirit32
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > trispirit32's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=25580
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=390050

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