The macro must have the first sheet's name hard-coded in it. You can
change it to the active sheet:
For example, change this
or this
to this
- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Peltier Technical Services
Tutorials and Custom Solutions
Karen wrote:
> Thank you for your help - I created the macro in the first sheet tab and when
> I run it for the 2nd tab, the 3rd tab and so on - It applies the data from
> the first tab. What am I doing wrong?
> Thank you
> "bj" wrote:
>>Record a macro changing the range in the charts in one sheet.
>>you may have to change it a little, but should able to just run the macro
>>on each sheet to change all of the ranges.
>>"Karen" wrote:
>>>I am using the following raw data for my line chart. In this case I have 5
>>>charts on each sheet tab. One for Bolts, one for Nuts and so on.. I also
>>>have 25 sheet tabs for each customer. The way it's set up now is that the
>>>line chart only covers the data range of year 2002, 2003 & 2004. When I want
>>>to add each year I have to go into 5 charts on each tab and 25 tabs for each
>>>customer to select that data range. Initially, It should have been set up to
>>>highlight the data range up an until year 2008 so I could just plug in the
>>>numbers for each year and that data would populate the chart. Should I just
>>>go into each chart and each tab and highlight the data until 2008 or is there
>>>an easier way to do this so I don't have to do all that highlighting?
>>>Thank you, Karen
>>> 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
>>> 2008
>>>Bolts 2145 2500 3245
>>>Nuts 5214 5628 5487
>>>Screws 526 650 698
>>>Elbows 457 487 412
>>>Nails 1248 1348 1578