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Setting x axis scale to time with variable intervals

  1. #1

    Setting x axis scale to time with variable intervals

    I want to chart observations made at random intervals throughout the day on
    an area chart. If i use x-y scatter, the x-axis spacing is correct (points
    are proportional to the time), but i can't get an area chart. If I use the
    area chart, the observations are all spaced equally along the x axis.

    Does anyone know how to make the x-axis plot time for normal charts?

  2. #2
    Jon Peltier

    Re: Setting x axis scale to time with variable intervals

    The XY Scatter chart is what I call a "normal" chart, because the X and
    Y axes are both numerical. That's my scientific background coming out.

    Other types of charts, such as column, line, and area, have a value axis
    (Y) and a category axis (X) which ignores any apparent numerical values
    in its data. You can get a pseudo-numerical axis if you select a
    time-scale axis rather than a category axis (Chart menu - Chart Options
    - Axes tab), but it only does dates (whole numbers), not times
    (fractional numbers).

    Your best option is to think about why you need the area chart
    formatting, and to see whether you can convince yourself to use a
    scatter chart. If after all of this, you still must use an area chart
    type, read the following web page, which explains how to apply area
    chart formatting in a scatter chart.

    - Jon
    Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
    Peltier Technical Services
    Tutorials and Custom Solutions

    webbuzzard wrote:
    > I want to chart observations made at random intervals throughout the day on
    > an area chart. If i use x-y scatter, the x-axis spacing is correct (points
    > are proportional to the time), but i can't get an area chart. If I use the
    > area chart, the observations are all spaced equally along the x axis.
    > Does anyone know how to make the x-axis plot time for normal charts?

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