I have a chart (xy scatter) showing the last 52 weeks of data (it's
accumulated weekly dosage of a medicine - several years worth of data),
i.e. total dose per week plotted against the dates. I also have an
average line (Series 2) charted - it's the average of the 52 y-values. I
did it by creating some 'dummy' values in the data sheet, looking
something like this:
1 12/06/2004 1.798076923
2 11/06/2005 1.798076923

Then the line is constructed from

As a final finishing touch I'd like to have a label (1.80 to 2 decimals)
placed at the right end of the line. All I've been able to come up
with so far is to have the two data labels plotted, but then the number
1.80 appears both at the left and right end of the line; the one on the
left is on the right of the data point and so overwrites the horizontal
line (I just have the line showing, not the data points). Doesn't look
very good.

I hope I've managed to explain my setup satisfactorily, and that
someone might be able to suggest a way to have just a single label
showing the average value beside my "Average Line".
