The solution is to use another data series with sparse data.
Lets say your x-values are in A1:A1000, y-values in B1:B1000
In C1 enter =IF(MOD(ROW(),50)=1, B1, NA()); copy down to C1000
This displays column B values fro every 50th row and #N/A for those in
Select A1:C1000 and make plot
Format B values as Line only and C values as markers only
Remove legend for B series
best wishes
Bernard V Liengme
remove caps from email
"John" <> wrote in message
> Usually, I have to chart alot of data. I cannot really use color to
> distinguish the line and the line styles leave alot to be desired when the
> points are close together. Therefore, I use the symbols to better
> distinguish the data series. However, with alot of data the symbols make
> the
> lines just appear fat, again making it difficult to distinguish the line.
> Therefore, I loop through the points and set the individual point markers
> at
> a different frequency for each series. This works great. However, the
> legend doesn't display the markers. The first point on every data series
> always has a marker. Is there a way to change what the Legend displays
> wrt
> symbols?
> Because I do the symbol addition programmatically the first data series on
> a
> chart always has the same look. However, when there is only one series on
> the chart the legend changes to show a list of xlCategory values for the
> points with the line and symbol style next to them. I need the legend
> because the titles are generic for a group of about 50 charts. Is there a
> way to prevent this behavior?
> XMGR is sooooo much easier at plotting alot of data.
> Thanks,
> John