I want to show two or more charts with different categories and data in
one chartspace, so I did the following:

1. Create Chartspace
2. Add Chart1 in Chartspace
3. Add Series in Chart1
4. Series.SetData chDimCategories 'A,B,C'
5. Series.SetData chDimValues '5,2,6'

Now I see a chart with categories A (value=5), B (value=2) and C
(value=6). So everything okay. Next thing I do:

6. Add Chart2 in Chartspace

Now I see a second empty chart, BUT WITH already filled categories A,B
and C!! I don't want this, because I want to use other categories in
this second chart2.

And when I SetData chDimCategories 'F,G' on this chart2, I see
'A,B,C,F,G' in categories in this chart2. But also 'A,B,C,D,F,G' in

Please could someone explain to me how this works and if and how I can
make two different charts with different categories??? Please help...
