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Data Table - Graph Links Breaking!!!

  1. #1
    Geise, Brad

    Data Table - Graph Links Breaking!!!

    Hello all-

    Ok so this is a really weird one.

    To download the file discussed in the message below, pls visit the following


    We publish books that also contain CDs - in the books we talk about
    effective data analysis for schools, and on the CDs provide Excel templates
    that allow users to replicate the illustrations seen in the book.

    One excel graph we use is very common - published by us on many CDs, and
    used for many, many years.

    All of a sudden, we open the file and find some funky error messages that
    talk about links being broken (and that the links were to another worksheet,
    which has NEVER been the case). A number of options are presented to fix
    the situation, none of which provide a remedy for the problems seen inside
    the file.

    To the problems inside the file...

    So check out any of the tables and graphs that you see in any sheet within
    the file - you click on the graph, and you see the table to the left light
    up. Then, try to alter any of the data in the table - you do not see the
    graph refresh after the new data is entered - entering the new data actually
    breaks the link to the table!!!!!


    I have downloaded some patches from the microsoft site - if I open the old
    file in the newly patched version of Excel, I still get the error. If I
    rebuild the graphs (by cutting and pasting from the old file into a newly
    created file) it seems to work.

    Any ideas? This is holding up publication of another book!!!


    email: bgeise@csuchico.edu
    voice: 530-898-4482
    fax: 530-898-4484

  2. #2
    Stephanie Krieger

    Data Table - Graph Links Breaking!!!

    Hi, Brad,

    Nothing terribly sinister going on here at all. Someone
    made some changes in your workbook -- these aren't bugs
    that need patching. Easy enough to fix ...

    First of all, your charts aren't updating when the table
    is changed because the workbook is set to manually
    update. Just go to Tools, Options, Calculation and set
    calculation to automatic. Then your data will update

    The reason you're getting the link warning is that there
    is a link in the workbook. I didn't look through the
    entire workbook to find where it's linked ... but if you
    go to Edit, Links, you'll see the source file trying to
    be accessed. The file path will surely mean more to you
    than to me -- so perhaps you'll be able to see who made
    the changes that way and get an answer. But if you simply
    break the link there -- it may cause an error where it
    was linked in your workbook, but you won't get link
    warnings anymore when you open the file.

    Hope that helps.

    Stephanie Krieger
    author of Microsoft Office Document Designer (from
    Microsoft Learning)
    blog: arouet.net

    >-----Original Message-----
    >Hello all-
    >Ok so this is a really weird one.
    >To download the file discussed in the message below, pls

    visit the following
    >We publish books that also contain CDs - in the books we

    talk about
    >effective data analysis for schools, and on the CDs

    provide Excel templates
    >that allow users to replicate the illustrations seen in

    the book.
    >One excel graph we use is very common - published by us

    on many CDs, and
    >used for many, many years.
    >All of a sudden, we open the file and find some funky

    error messages that
    >talk about links being broken (and that the links were

    to another worksheet,
    >which has NEVER been the case). A number of options are

    presented to fix
    >the situation, none of which provide a remedy for the

    problems seen inside
    >the file.
    >To the problems inside the file...
    >So check out any of the tables and graphs that you see

    in any sheet within
    >the file - you click on the graph, and you see the table

    to the left light
    >up. Then, try to alter any of the data in the table -

    you do not see the
    >graph refresh after the new data is entered - entering

    the new data actually
    >breaks the link to the table!!!!!
    >NOT GOOD!
    >I have downloaded some patches from the microsoft site -

    if I open the old
    >file in the newly patched version of Excel, I still get

    the error. If I
    >rebuild the graphs (by cutting and pasting from the old

    file into a newly
    >created file) it seems to work.
    >Any ideas? This is holding up publication of another

    >email: bgeise@csuchico.edu
    >voice: 530-898-4482
    >fax: 530-898-4484

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