Hi Jerry,

Actually, my browser of choice is Firefox and until your post I hadn't
viewed the page with IE. In the former the equations appear bold but
are otherwise legible. In the latter the equations appear normal.

FWIW, the original is a Word document that was exported as a web page
from within Word. The equations are Equation Editor objects. I will
see if the MS tool that removes Office specific code from a web page
improves the quality of the display.


Tushar Mehta
Excel, PowerPoint, and VBA add-ins, tutorials
Custom MS Office productivity solutions

In article <423C6842.9030209@no_e-mail.com>, post_a_reply@no_e-mail.com
> You should try viewing this page from Netscape as well as IE. As
> currently coded, most of the equations are illegible in Netscape.
> Jerry
> Tushar Mehta wrote:
> > You may also want to look at an (incomplete) article:
> > Trendline coefficients
> > http://www.tushar-mehta.com/excel/ti...efficients.htm
