thanks alot jerry
"Jerry W. Lewis" wrote:
> You can generally get the equations from the LINEST and/or LOGEST
> worksheet functions. Alternately, David Braden has posted VBA code to
> extract the coefficients directly from the chart into cells
> In some instances the chart trendline coefficients will be more accurate
> than LINEST/LOGEST. However, to do accurate calculations based on the
> coefficients displayed on the chart, you have to display those
> coefficients in scientific notation with 14 decimal places, otherwise
> you may loose accuracy due to rounding.
> Jerry
> kafoury123 wrote:
> > i have a group of charts drawn with trendlines , i have the equations of
> > these trendlines shown on the charts, question is :how can i extract the
> > trendline function displayed on the chart and use it on another routine...
> > i.e. i want the code that calls the trendline function equation... if there
> > is such thing??..please help! "vb6"