I doubt the default XL 3D surface chart will work for you. But, you
might want to check
3D Surface
You should be able to simulate the effect. See Andy Pope's
3d XY Scatter Chart
Tushar Mehta
Excel, PowerPoint, and VBA add-ins, tutorials
Custom MS Office productivity solutions
In article <7F011BE8-8A05-4DE5-A53C-9C7104D2D1FD@microsoft.com>,
psmx401@discussions.microsoft.com says...
> I am trying to make an oilwell borehole 3 d graph. The data I have available
> is the depth in feet, the direction in a North/South Direction and from an
> East/West direction, both in feet, from a GPS references starting point. I
> would like to track this well bore and compare it to several others in the
> same proximity, possibly putting a flag if they come within a certain
> specified distance from each other. I have data for each well in similar
> column layouts, on separate excel sheets. Would like one compilation graph
> of however many wells (probably 4 would be the most) I chose to offset.