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How do I use a password to protect an Excel file from peeping eyes?

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  1. #1
    Fat Cat

    How do I use a password to protect an Excel file from peeping eyes?

    Basically I finished my account tracker, but I would rahther use a password
    prevent others from openning at all, I tried the Protect>>Protect workbook,
    it doesn't work.


  2. #2
    Dave Peterson

    Re: How do I use a password to protect an Excel file from peeping eyes?

    Do a file|SaveAs (you can use the same name).

    Then on that dialog
    Tools|General Options|provide a password to open
    (xl2002 wording)

    I think it was:
    in earlier versions (but still under the file|saveas dialog)

    Fat Cat wrote:
    > Basically I finished my account tracker, but I would rahther use a password
    > to
    > prevent others from openning at all, I tried the Protect>>Protect workbook,
    > but
    > it doesn't work.
    > Thanks.


    Dave Peterson

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