I have a workbook with three sheets - Result, Winners and Party.
I want to link Result and Winners to get a list of Winners using pivot table,.
I have a workbook with three sheets - Result, Winners and Party.
I want to link Result and Winners to get a list of Winners using pivot table,.
It appears that you have already linked the tables. What do you wish your pivot table to look like. You have lots of data and not sure what you wish to show. Mock up a small sample and reload your workbook. We can only guess as to what you want. No crystal balls or Clairvoyance here.
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I am trying to get winner CANDIDATE NAMES from CAN CODE like given below sample...
AC2AC1 Rajesh Udesing Padvi
Attachment 884928Attachment 884928Attachment 884928Attachment 884928
Hello dnyankardore1 and Welcome to Excel Forum.
Selecting any of the links to attachment 884928 in post #3 results in the following error message: "Invalid Attachment specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator".
That said, here is a proposal that returns the results given in post #3.
1. Load the Results and Winners tables into the data model as was done in the original file
2. In the data model produce a connection between the Can Code fields of the two tables
3. In the data model add the following measure to the Result table Name:=CONCATENATEX(Result,[CANDIDATE NAME],",")
4. Produce a pivot table dragging the Can Code field from the Winners table into the Rows area and the Name field from the Result table into the Values area
Let us know if you have any questions.
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thank you... you have given me the required result but i am not able to understand or execute step no. 3...
can you please elaborate..
Right Click on the Table and Create a Measure
thank you for the explanation
In older versions of Excel you may need to do the following to open the dialog box.
1. Select the Power Pivot tab on the ribbon
2. Select the Measures icon in the calculation pane
3. Select New Measure
Note that measures can also be added in the data model window as modeled in the file attached to my previous post (select manage data model and the result tab to see the selected cell below the CANDIDATE NAME column.)
Let us know if you have any questions.
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