I am building a Pivot (summary table). Is it possible to have '%' symbol showing for the percentage-based rows ? So in the attached example, rows marked 'A' and 'C' these are literal percentages (albeit extremely small percentages). However If I select these mention rows and click the '%' button 'A' and 'C' do become percentages but they distort the percentages. So for example, if it is showing 0.4 now it becomes "40 %'', and 1.5 becomes "150 %" which is not right. It should be showing "0.4%" and "1.5 %". What I have attached is the copy of the values from the Pivot (but NOT the actual Pivot with its data).
It does not seem that having a mixture of numbers and percentages in Pivot is a problem per se, because I was able to click on 'A' and 'C' and clicked '%' button (although as i said it converts 0.4 to "40 %" and 1.5 to "150 %" which off course is not what I wanted) .
Kindly advise.