Hi, your file still refers to your real data in file:
your name and familyname\Documents\Region Last 10 Years\[Regions Last 10 Years.xlsx]
We obvoiusly do not have access to it.
I focused on Sheet2 in your file (the one that opens automatically when downloaded).
1) sort all rows this way the data shall be presented on horizontal axis - I sorted descending on the actual budget so the largest will be presented leftmost, the smallest rightmost
2) for "large companies" series use data only for large values (M$). For instance if a threshold Big/Small is at 1M$ then
and plot them on primary (left) axis. But use whole column, not just limited to where large companies data is but also 0s - for small companies
3) for small companies series use
and plot them on secondary (right) axis. And again - use whole column, not only small companies data. For large companies column height will be anyway 0 by IF formula - and thus not visible.
Further formatting (colors, titles, axis titles and fontsize, etc.) - as needed.
PS. Free advice - one of my standard tricks for presenting data with secondary and primary axis is by using bicolor graph. and graph points, columns, whatever for secondary axis is the same color (may be different hue) as color used for numbers on secondary axis (usually it is worth using bold font for that axis). It keeps reader focused on appropriate axis.
PS2. Your file opens on my computer in standard (for Europe) way. But if you have rigth-to-left orientation of workbook - probably you shall read above comments opposite (leftmost instead of righmost, etc.)