Source = Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="Table1"]}[Content],
#"Changed Type" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Source,{{"Score", Int64.Type}, {"Age", type number}, {"Marital Status", type text}, {"Retirement Timeline", type text}, {"Q1. I feel I am in good health currently.", type text}, {"Q2. I am currently getting adequate exercise.", type text}, {"Q3. I am currently eating a healthy diet.", type text}, {"Q4. I am currently getting adequate sleep.", type text}, {"Q5. I take care of my mental health.", type text}, {"Q6. I plan to prioritize my physical and mental health (including activities that counter brain aging) in retirement.", type text}, {"Q7. I need more support with my fitness goals.", type text}, {"Q8. I need more support with my nutrition goals.", type text}, {"Q9. I need more support with my mental health.", type text}, {"Q10. I have an aging spouse/partner or parents that I currently care for/or will care for in retirement.", type text}, {"Q11. I have a pre-retirement tax conscious financial plan that is in good shape.", type text}, {"Q12. I have taken a complete inventory of my finances, track them carefully and know my cash flow and net worth.", type text}, {"Q13. I know the date when I can retire/achieve financial freedom.", type text}, {"Q14. I have debt under control.", type text}, {"Q15. I have an emergency fund.", type text}, {"Q16. I understand and have calculated the impact of longevity risk on my retirement.", type text}, {"Q17. My spouse/partner and I have communicated and are on the same page with our financial plans for retirement.", type text}, {"Q18. I have projected my retirement expenses, income sources and gaps in retirement.", type text}, {"Q19. I have a plan for how I will cover my income gaps in retirement.", type text}, {"Q20. I have a plan for how I will cover my income gaps in retirement.", type text}, {"Q21. I'm worried about running out of money in retirement.", type text}, {"Q22. I have a retirement income distribution strategy that includes a safe withdrawal rate (including what I plan to do with my 401k/IRA(s) at retirement).", type text}, {"Q23. I am confident in my short term and long-term investment decisions (and I am not making knee-jerk reactions in market downturns).", type text}, {"Q24. I have a plan to balance growth and protection in my portfolio (right ratio to protect against short term and long-term volatility, sequence of return risk and inflation).", type text}, {"Q25. I have a Social Security timing strategy to maximize my benefit. Experts estimate that many people leave over $100,000 on the table by choosing the wrong timing strategy.", type text}, {"Q26. I have a tax mitigation plan for retirement (i.e., minimizing taxes as low as possible) and have taxable, tax free and tax deferred buckets set up.", type text}, {"Q27. I have considered how my home equity could be used as an income buffer in retirement.", type text}, {"Q28. I have a healthcare plan and have calculated my healthcare expenses in retirement.", type text}, {"Q29. I have investigated a Health Savings Account as a way to invest for healthcare expenses in retirement.", type text}, {"Q30. I understand my Medicare options and decisions.", type text}, {"Q31. I have a plan to protect against a long-term care incident.", type text}, {"Q32. I have a sound life insurance strategy that gives me a tax-free income stream and protects my heirs.", type text}, {"Q33. I have an estate plan (recent will and trust), and plan for orderly and tax efficient legacy plan for my heirs.", type text}, {"Q34. I have communicated my financial/legal and end of life plans with family/friends.", type text}, {"Q35. I could use the help of a RetireMentor or other specialist for one of the financial/tax/legal readiness areas above.", type text}, {"Q36. I am looking forward to retirement.", type text}, {"Q37. I am worried about my transition to retirement and how I'll handle all the changes it represents.", type text}, {"Q38. I have a lifestyle plan for retirement and/or I've discussed with my spouse/partner.", type text}, {"Q39. I believe I'll be able to live the retirement lifestyle I desire.", type text}, {"Q40. I have strong connections/relationships with family and friends, and look forward to more in retirement.", type text}, {"Q41. I am or plan to go through significant change (i.e. divorce, marriage, career, etc.) prior to or in retirement.", type text}, {"Q42. I have activities and hobbies planned for retirement.", type text}, {"Q43. I have a plan for where I'll live and type of dwelling I'll live in.", type text}, {"Q44. I need some support with my happiness readiness (aka life coaching) as I prepare for retirement.", type text}, {"Q45. After taking this quiz, I feel pretty good about my overall retirement readiness.", type text}}),
#"Unpivoted Other Columns" = Table.UnpivotOtherColumns(#"Changed Type", {"Score", "Age", "Marital Status", "Retirement Timeline"}, "Attribute", "Value"),
#"Renamed Columns" = Table.RenameColumns(#"Unpivoted Other Columns",{{"Attribute", "Question"}, {"Value", "Response"}})
#"Renamed Columns"
5. Close and Load to a new sheet