I have a sheet with table slicers that will allow a user to drill down and filter a table (versus just using the filter buttons on the table). I would like to pull in some information at the top such as total sales however am having difficulty doing that using the table alone. I could do the same in a pivot table to get the numbers from there but I have no idea if I can link the two? I know you can link slicers for various pivot tables and so had the idea I could do this with a table slicer and pivot slicer but that is not working and I'm at a loss.
In my example attached, the Condensed Data tab will become the user's drill down page. I added a pivots tab where I figured I could try and connect the activity between the 2 tabs so that I could grab the Total Sales from the pivot table, but am wondering if this is even possible?
Or perhaps someone has an even better idea? I've tried just using pivots but can't quite get them to look like we want. Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated!