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Automatically picking up new dates and excluding blanks

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    Automatically picking up new dates and excluding blanks

    I have a pivot table which has a filter on it that selects only data where a date is populated in column C the pivot table filter has blank unticked - however when new data is added creating a new date in the filter and I refresh the pivot table it doesn't pick up the new date as I have de selected all - please see the example attached. I selected ALL - deselected blanks and then added in row 8 and refreshed the pivot - it didn't pick up the new information and in the filter it is there but not selected.

    is there a way I can fix this so they always pick up the new data and leave blanks unselected? I tired recording a macro to change the filter but it didn't work as it picked up me selecting all but not deselecting blanks in the code,

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