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TABLE: Do not change colomn name in formulas when pasting

  1. #1
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    TABLE: Do not change colomn name in formulas when pasting

    Hi all,

    I use Index Match lookups / countifs in a table.

    Once a week I paste new data into the sheet. With this paste I want to paste the headers as well, because the order is not always the same.

    But, now when I do this the name of the column in the formula changes.
    So for example:

    Column A = Date
    Column B = Description

    Now someone else make the update and has

    Column A = Description
    Column B = Date
    The goal with IndexMatch is that it will search in the name of the header.. But my formulas automatic change because the columnnames changed.
    Is there a way to avoid this?

  2. #2
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    Re: TABLE: Do not change colomn name in formulas when pasting

    There are instructions at the top of the page explaining how to attach your sample workbook.

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  3. #3
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    Re: TABLE: Do not change colomn name in formulas when pasting

    Thank you for replying!

    Sorry I didn't attach te first time.

    So I want to copy the data from sheet 'new data' into the table (but AFTER colomn D) on sheet 'export'.

    The formula in column B refers to 'date requested' (which is now in column F) but this name changes when a different column name
    is giving to column F.

    Try pasting the new data into cel E2 and see what happens to the green cell formula, please.
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  4. #4
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    Re: TABLE: Do not change colomn name in formulas when pasting

    I misposted the question, Started the good question in the right subject. This can be closed

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