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PIVOT - Show values as Difference From

  1. #1
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    PIVOT - Show values as Difference From


    I need to compare some values based on first value in Label side. I am using Pivot feature show values as difference from.

    The problem is that this feature works only for first Label group, for the other it doesn't because data is dynamic and not same. How can I avoid this?

    The 2nd problem is that in this feature Pivot do not shows values of first row in Label group. How can I set it to show up?

    Example in attachment.

    P.S. If not possible via raw pivot, I would like to add helping column in data sheet, then try Pivot.

    Best regards
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by LemitoSanchez; 11-09-2020 at 08:28 AM.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert Pepe Le Mokko's Avatar
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    Re: PIVOT - Show values as Difference From

    What is the " week" column supposed to mean ?
    The " week" with nr 30 spans more than a month. Are those real weeks, or something else?
    Last edited by Pepe Le Mokko; 11-09-2020 at 11:53 AM.

  3. #3
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    Re: PIVOT - Show values as Difference From

    It's not real week. It is something for measuring. It can be anything.

  4. #4
    Forum Guru
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    Re: PIVOT - Show values as Difference From

    If I understand correctly then:
    1. Drag SL% down to the Values area again and change the "Show values as" to Difference from > week > previous (Number format > percentage)
    2. [Optional] Change the column header of the new columns to read: Diff from previous week
    As to the 2nd problem, when I started to produce another pivot table the original one suddenly showed the values in the "Sum of SL %" columns (I don't know why that happened).
    Let us know if you have any questions.
    Consider taking the time to add to the reputation of everybody that has taken the time to respond to your query.

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