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DAX - calculate % of Grand Total using COUNTROWS

  1. #1
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    DAX - calculate % of Grand Total using COUNTROWS

    Hi all,

    Trying to get a percentage of the grand total for a couple of times.

    Service Names Overdue On Time Total % on time % of Grand Total
    Service 1 21 45 66 68%
    Service 2 0 14 14 100%
    Service 3 3 8 11 73%
    Service 4 112 314 426 74%
    Grand Total 136 381 517 74%

    I would like Total / Grand Total.
    Service 1 = 66 / 417
    Service 2 = 14 / 417
    Service 3 = 11 / 417
    Service 4 = 426 / 417
    Grand Total = 417/417

    Can this be done?

    The data in my pivot table has using [Measures]. I cannot seem to get the correct % / formula.

  2. #2
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    Re: DAX - calculate % of Grand Total using COUNTROWS

    Can I ask a question or two ... you are asking about DAX formula for this, but seem to want % of Grand Total in a PivotTable? Is this for a PowerPivot table, or a PivotTable? In a PivotTable % of Grand Total is simple (Value Field settings, Show Values As ... % of Grand Total).

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by GlennUK View Post
    Can I ask a question or two ... you are asking about DAX formula for this, but seem to want % of Grand Total in a PivotTable? Is this for a PowerPivot table, or a PivotTable? In a PivotTable % of Grand Total is simple (Value Field settings, Show Values As ... % of Grand Total).
    Thanks GlennUK for replying.
    This is in PowerPivot. Apologies, I thought by mentioning Dax it was implied.

    I am still struggling.

  4. #4
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    Re: DAX - calculate % of Grand Total using COUNTROWS

    Isn't it just =[Total]/SUM([Total])

  5. #5
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    Re: DAX - calculate % of Grand Total using COUNTROWS

    Sadly GlennUK the SUM function in DAX can only be used to reference a Column Name.
    Since my Measures are COUNTROWS I was hoping there would be a function to grab the Total for Service 1 / Grand Total of the Total Column ( 66 / 517 ).

    The Overdue Column : Overdue:=CALCULATE ( COUNTROWS ( Visits ), FILTER ( Visits, Visits[Case] = "LAA"), FILTER( Visits, Visits [TIME] = "Overdue" ))
    The On Time Column : OnTime:=CALCULATE ( COUNTRROWS (Visits ), FILTER( Visits, Visits[Case] = "LAA"), FILTER(Visits, Visits [TIME] = "on time" ))
    Total Column : Total:=CALCULATE ( COUNTROWS ( Visits ), Visits [Case] = "LAA" )

    I think the only way to do this is to create a MEASURE for each Service but that's not ideal.
    Alternatively, turn the Pivot Table into OLAP and use CUBE functions to gather information.

    If there is a way, its something I would prefer.

  6. #6
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    Re: DAX - calculate % of Grand Total using COUNTROWS

    DAX functions respect data hierarchies ... look at this data and the PivotTable via Data Model using SUM in a DAX calculated column:
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  7. #7
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    Re: DAX - calculate % of Grand Total using COUNTROWS

    I guess you don't see what I mean ... this is the PowerPivot view:
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  8. #8
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    Re: DAX - calculate % of Grand Total using COUNTROWS

    Hi GlennUK,

    Thank you for that and the examples you provided.
    Also, apologies for the late response.

    In terms of simplicity, that is exactly how I would like PowerPivot to look.

    However, the type of data set I have does not allow me to have a Total Time column within my data set.
    The Overdue and On Time are within a single column.
    There is also another column which holds Key ID's which I need to report on "LAA" / "NIC" / "PC" but there are more Key ID's within this column that I do not care for.

    I would need a formula which would say if there is an "LAA" and it is "Overtime" put a 1
    Which would then act as a form of a total.
    The problem being what about the "NIC"'s and "PC"'s.

    Would that then need to be put into three separate columns with a total column suming them up?
    If so, what kind of formula would be best? Or have I over complicated things?

    Thank you for your help.

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