I have this data
Eric May 20 2019
Eric June 15 2019
Mark May 15 2019
Eric May 27 2019
Mark July 4 2019
Mark Aug 4 2019
Sam May 20 2019
Sam July 15 2019

I'd like to be able to make a 3-row chart (one row per name) that places dots along the timeline. I've attached a pic of what I'd like. Unfortunately, all I get is X and Y axis full of nonsense dates and maybe 1 dot. Capture.PNG

Only the stuff in pen is what I'd need to see, the rest is just to illustrate.

The Eric-row has the 3 dots for Eric, the Mark-row has the three dots for Mark, and the Sam-row has his two dots - all based on the timeline. I thought it'd be easy, but wow I'm in the weeds here.

Using Excel 2013.

Thank you.