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What I do for this sort of thing is create a dynamic table containing the required data, then use this as the chart's source. I then hide the dynamic table under the chart object.
I have created the following table in the attachment:
Excel 2016 (Windows) 32 bit
G H 4 Month Value 5Feb 9 6Mar 8 7Apr 7 8May 10 9Jun 7 10Jul 10 11Aug 5 12Sep 4
Sheet: Sheet1
Excel 2016 (Windows) 32 bit
G H 5=IF(OR(G4="",G4=E$3),"",INDEX($A$2:$A$13,MATCH(E$2,$A$2:$A$13,0)+ROWS(G$5:G5)-1)) =IFERROR(VLOOKUP(G5,$A$2:$B$13,2,0),"")
Sheet: Sheet1
Change the parameters in your coloured cells to see the chart change.