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proportional chart with irregular number of dates

  1. #1
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    proportional chart with irregular number of dates

    I would like a chart witch has the same gap between months, the problem is I have irregular amount of dates for each month.
    09.04.2019; 20
    22.04.2019; 8
    29.04.2019; 13

    the chart uses for april double the space compared to march, I would it look like this (but with all points (8,10,15,20,8,13); just tigther):
    March April

    Instead of this:
    March April

  2. #2
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    Re: proportional chart with irregular number of dates

    What chart type are you using? Are your dates true date serial numbers or are they text strings that look like dates?

    What you want should be straightforward (if not automatic). If your dates are truly dates, I would expect Excel to recognize the dates and automatically use a date axis for the chart type that you select (unless you are using a scatter chart). If Excel is not automatically choosing a date axis for your chart, then format the axis and manually select "date axis". If Excel is having trouble using your dates, check and make sure they are dates and not text (ISTEXT() function is useful for this).
    Quote Originally Posted by shg
    Mathematics is the native language of the natural world. Just trying to become literate.

  3. #3
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    Re: proportional chart with irregular number of dates

    It is hard to explain. Could you look at my file?
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  4. #4
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    Re: proportional chart with irregular number of dates

    I don't understand what you want. Your current chart is using column A as the horizontal/category/x axis data. A is a sparsely populated column with x.xx values. Your OP talked about having dates along the horizontal axis, but these are not date values, and I don't see how they relate to the dates in column B. Because Excel does not recognize column A as dates, it treats them as category/text data and spaces the points evenly.

    If I change the chart so that it is using column B as the horizontal/category/x axis data, then it gives me a good date axis chart where points are plotted according to date.

    I am not sure what your column A values represent, so I cannot understand what you intended to do with them. Your OP talks about using a date axis, which should happen automatically if column A includes values that Excel can recognize as dates. I would guess that you either need to change the values in column A to recognizable dates, or use column B in the chart as the horizontal axis data.

  5. #5
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    Re: proportional chart with irregular number of dates

    thanks for the time to look at this MrShorty. And sorry for my bad explanation. Column A is the quarter period of the year (1.19 = jan,feb,march 2019). You are right that column b works, but then excel show many many dates. I would like that it only shows every quarter or in general that the x axis is not so "overloaded" with lots of dates. So in general my question should be: how can I make it possible, that there are fewer dates in the x axis?

  6. #6
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    Re: proportional chart with irregular number of dates

    As to: "...or in general that the x axis is not so "overloaded" with lots of dates."
    Perhaps this will help.
    I changed the Horizontal axis labels to use the dates in column B as the source.
    I then formatted the units > major to 3 months.
    Let us know if you have any questions.
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    Consider taking the time to add to the reputation of everybody that has taken the time to respond to your query.

  7. #7
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    Re: proportional chart with irregular number of dates

    aah so simple. that's perfect. thank you.

  8. #8
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    Re: proportional chart with irregular number of dates

    You're Welcome. Thank You for the feedback and for marking the thread as 'Solved'. I hope that you have a blessed day.

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