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Getting data from 2 tables to match up and calculate?

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  1. #1
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    Question Getting data from 2 tables to match up and calculate?

    Hello all,

    I have used this site many times and always found brilliant solutions! I've never made an account though, as I've never been stumped like this before.

    I have a very large data set, currently at 289781 rows. It is complaint data spanning many years. There are 56 columns of information per row, not always filled. There is also a sales data set, which relates to the large data set, but not line for line. I can't share the details of the information, but I'll try to make a comparable example, using the most relevant columns:

    Large Data:

    Complaint Reference Date of Complaint City Product Range Product Family Issue Category Issue Sub Category
    12345 01/01/2018 London Fruit Apple Delivery Wrong Product Delivered
    12346 05/04/2018 Manchester Vegetable Carrot Health Product Made Customer Turn Green


    Date City Product Range Product Family Sales
    Jan 2018 London Fruit Apple 145
    Jan 2018 Manchester Vegetable Carrot 5373

    The sales table does not contain Issue Category or Issue Sub Category information. So, you can see how many Carrots were sold for a particular market, or how much Fruit was sold overall etc.

    My problem is I am trying to calculate CPM (Complaints per Million). I do this by dividing the number of complaints by the sales and then multiplying by 1000000.

    This is fine if I only want to see down to the Product Family level, i.e what the CPM for Carrots is for London over a certain time etc. However, I would like to be able to see the CPM of Issue Categories, and furthermore see the Top 3 occurring Issue Sub Categories. The sales data will not line up with an Issue Category or Sub Category, as sales is shown down to the product family level.

    For example, there may have been 100 Apples sold, and 50 complaints. Of those 50 complaints, 40 were 'I hate your apples' and 10 were 'I got oranges instead'. The CPM for apples overall is easy, but how do I calculate the CPM against the individual complaints to enable me to see the CPM for 'I hate your apples'?

    I apologise if this is confusing! I have already tried adding the Sales value to each line of complaint data, matching it to the right country, date, product and product family. However, a pivot table will then do the SUM of sales, so when I look at a certain issue sub category, it will add up each lines' sales data. I've tried setting it to MIN instead of SUM, but I don't think this works when looking over multiple filters (Apples and Carrots for example)

    I've also tried multiple calculated fields, GETPIVOTDATA in non pivot tables, adding slicers to pivots, I just cannot get my head around it!

    The CPM has to be calculated first before finding the top 3 issues. I was previously finding the top 3 occurring complaints for a category and then calculating the CPM which was much easier. But just because there are more of a certain complaint, if it also has a billion sales, it's CPM will actually be quite low. So I need to somehow calculate the CPM for each category, then sort it to find the top 3 issues.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Again, I apologise for being long winded and probably confusing! Please do not hesitate to ask if you would like further clarification on anything.

  2. #2
    Administrator FDibbins's Avatar
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    Re: Getting data from 2 tables to match up and calculate?

    Seeing as how you want to summarize your data into the Sales sheet, by category and sub category, I would suggest that your 1st step would be to make a list of all sub cats, then see how many are common or can be grouped. Not sure if you would then need a column per sub cat/group, but you need to somehow create some ID's that will help you start breaking the data down as you want it.
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  3. #3
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    Re: Getting data from 2 tables to match up and calculate?

    Thank you for your reply! The Sub Categories are already grouped by the Categories. I have 6 Categories with about 177 Sub-Categories spread between them. I need to somehow find out the top 3 occurring Sub-Categories for a particular filter, eg. 2 Product Ranges in 3 Cities between a certain date range. I can do this with the absolute number of complaints, but the number of complaints does not reflect the CPM (Complaints per million units sold).

    As mentioned above, if a particular issue sub-category for a certain product range had 3000 complaints and the rest of the sub-categories had less than 100, then the sub-category with 3000 complaints would be the highest occurring complaint. However, if that particular product actually sold 100000000 units, then the amount of complaints per million units sold would be quite small. If one of the other less common sub-categories had 50 complaints, but also only sold 50 units, then the CPM would be very high.

    I need to somehow calculate the CPM for issue sub categories, but the number of issue sub categories will always be different, depending on the filters chosen (looking at a certain city, or certain products, or a mixture etc.)

    I really can't get my head round this. I know how to find the number of complaints, its just getting the sales figures to match up. Again, apologies if this isn't making sense, I have been tackling this for over a week now and I think I'm starting to go a little crazy!! Appreciate the help.

  4. #4
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    Re: Getting data from 2 tables to match up and calculate?

    Quote Originally Posted by officeman View Post

    For example,
    there may have been 100 Apples sold,
    and 50 complaints.

    Of those 50 complaints,
    40 were 'I hate your apples'
    and 10 were 'I got oranges instead'.

    The CPM for apples overall is easy,
    but how do I calculate the CPM against the individual complaints
    to enable me to see the CPM for 'I hate your apples'?
    you can't --
    you have no data on sales per complaint-category.
    (this has nothing to do with Excel.)

  5. #5
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    Re: Getting data from 2 tables to match up and calculate?

    I'd like to use the sales data where the city, date, product and product family match.

    So, for an issue sub category of 'I hate your apples' for all apple complaints in London for March 2018, I would calculate the CPM using the sales for Apples in London, March 2018. This sales figure would be against every issue sub category for Apples in London for March 2018, if that makes sense?

    It's just that if I add the sales figure against each line of data, the pivot table sums the sales figure which gives an incorrect CPM.

    I'm considering using VBA to write a manual table, using GETPIVOTDATA to find the sales figure required and putting that against the number of complaints to then calculate the CPM. But this feels long winded and I'm not entirely sure if I can get that to work...

    Is there not a way to create a calculated field that will find the sales data from a different table based on the city, date, product and product range? Or can calculated fields only do calculations on their own data?

  6. #6
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    re: getting data from 2 tables to match up

    Quote Originally Posted by officeman View Post

    ---Is there not a way to create a calculated field
    that will find the sales data from a different table
    based on the city, date, product and product range?

    Or can calculated fields only do calculations on their own data?

    ( sorry i can't help with Pivots )
    Last edited by Pat and only Pat; 07-20-2018 at 02:52 AM.

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