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Dynamic Graphing timeline based on 2 dropdown criteria

  1. #1
    Forum Contributor GuruWannaB's Avatar
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    Dynamic Graphing timeline based on 2 dropdown criteria

    Hi everyone,

    I have a large amount of weekly team data I would like to show week over week graphically. My data has the week ending dates in column A. I would like to have two Data Validation dropdowns - to select a starting week and an ending week - with the graph being dynamic and changing the X axis to reflect only those weeks selected and those in between. What is a good way of doing this without making it a pivot chart?
    Last edited by GuruWannaB; 05-27-2018 at 11:29 PM. Reason: left out condition of not being a pivot chart
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  2. #2
    Forum Expert BadlySpelledBuoy's Avatar
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    Re: Dynamic Graphing timeline based on 2 dropdown criteria

    Create 'dynamic named ranges' and drive the chart from those.

    If you need more than that, then attach a sample workbook so we can see your data layout.


  3. #3
    Forum Contributor GuruWannaB's Avatar
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    Re: Dynamic Graphing timeline based on 2 dropdown criteria

    I have attached a sample workbook
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  4. #4
    Forum Expert BadlySpelledBuoy's Avatar
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    Re: Dynamic Graphing timeline based on 2 dropdown criteria

    In the attached I've added 4 dynamic named ranges:
    EmpID - Looks at column A on the newly added Sheet2, starts at A2 and ends at the last entered EmpID. As you add/remove EmpIDs this range will automatically grow/shrink to account for that.
    Weeks - Looks at column C on Sheet2 and works in the same way as the above.
    These two named ranges are used to drive the drop down lists in the green cells on Sheet1

    XAxis - Looks at the data in the yellow section (Col K) on Sheet1. Starts at the first date and ends at the last.
    YValues - Same as above but on Col L.

    The yellow section has formulas to display only the relevant dates based on your start and end date selections in the green section. It also has formulas to look up the values for the selected EmpID on each of the relevant dates.

    The chart is then driven by the last two dynamic named ranges so it automatically adjusts dependent on your selections.

    Hope that makes sense. Shout if you have any questions.

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