I am pulling my hair out on this one.
I have a graph in Excel and I want it to update based on two cells I have for the Start Date and End Date.
I am using a Named Range for the Axix label range, but get an error when trying to use it ("There's an error in the formula you entered.")
The formula I am using in the Named Range is:
=OFFSET(INDIRECT("A"&MATCH('Trigger Log'!$N$1008, 'Trigger Log'!$A$1:$A$9999,0)),0,0,COUNTA(INDIRECT("A"&MATCH('Trigger Log'!$N$1008,'Trigger Log'!$A$1:$A$9999,0)&":$A9999")))
...where N1008 is the cell of my Date Start. The formula seems to resolve properly into a range, but I can't seem to get it to work. I'd paste the steps here, but Excel doesn't allow me to copy from the Evaluate Formula dialog!
I was previously using: "=OFFSET('Trigger Log'!$A$2,0,0,COUNTA('Trigger Log'!$A:$A)-1)" which works, but I really want to be able to be able to quickly choose the start and end dates for my graph...
Any help would greatly be appreciated.
I've attached a modified version of my Excel file here (I removed personal details since this is for a personal medical log). You will get an error due to it not liking my Named Range: "GraphDateDynamic" -- the graph is at the bottom of the data and is currently using a deleted Named Range since it won't accept "GraphDateDynamic".