I have a chart that displays a series of vectors in sequential form.

The start/end of each vector is defined in a cartesian xy-axis system.


It works fine. I wish to display the series name (P!=point 1, P2=point2 ....) and the coordinates for each point. In vba I use the code:

            ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(COMBINATION_INDEX).DataLabels.Format.TextFrame2.TextRange. _
                InsertChartField msoChartFieldRange, "=(" & Worksheets("Chart").Range("A" & FR_index).Value & _
                                                            Worksheets("Chart").Range("B" & FR_index).Value & _
                                                            Worksheets("Chart").Range("C" & FR_index).Value & ")", 0
            ActiveChart.FullSeriesCollection(COMBINATION_INDEX).Name = "P" & COMBINATION_INDEX & ""
            Selection.ShowSeriesName = True
            Selection.ShowCategoryName = True
            Selection.Position = xlLabelPositionAbove
Range ("A") is the point name
Range ("B") is the x-coordinate
Range ("C") is the y-coordinate

Problem is that for each vector it is written to the chart the start AND the end xy-coordinates.
Vector 1 writes start and end
Vector 2 writes start and end (now end of V1 and start of V2 is double written)

Fine. I did a workaround with integer division, if vector number is odd then write. It works BUT "P1; 8;16" and "P1 15,8;12,8" are written as belonging to the same point.

I would like to have "P1; 8;16", "P2 15,8;12,8", "P3 6,5;8,5", etc.

Can that be done in some way? Is there something else than msoChartFieldRange like msoChartFieldStart or msoChartFieldEnd?