I am not sure where to post this question so I thought Charting would be a good start.
I have a chart with the formula below.
=SERIES('Ratios'!$C$25,'Ratios'!$G$6:$U$6,'Solvency Ratios'!$G$25:$U$25,1)
If I have a cell lets say B10 on a worksheet automatically changes. Can the chart as defined below do the follow. If B10 is has "NID" in it the chart plots one less data point.
=SERIES('Ratios'!$C$25,'Ratios'!$G$6:$T$6,'Solvency Ratios'!$G$25:$T$25,1)
If that cell does not contain "NID" then it plots one more data point:
=SERIES('Ratios'!$C$25,'Ratios'!$G$6:$U$6,'Solvency Ratios'!$G$25:$U$25,1)
I am not sure how to best accomplish this task automatically. VBA code formulas???