Dear friends,

Hope you are all doing great. So I have the following information:

I have 2 vessel types: A and B.
I have two fiscal years FY 2016 and FY 2017.
I have the number of transits for vessel type A for both fiscal years (2016 and 2017)
And calculated what percentage of the total transits corresponds to vessel type A and vessel type B for both fiscal years.

I would like to create a stacked bar chart containing the values 2016 and 2017 for the x-axis, and then different colors in the bars for the two vessel types. In addition to that, I would like to show only the percentage of total transits inside the bars while keeping the y-axis in a number style and not as a percentage.

How can I accomplish this? If you guys need the sample data let me know how I can make it available to you guys from here. Also, when a value is very small compared to others, the bar representing it is almost impossible to view, how can I adjust this so that I can fit the label inside that bar?

Thanks, beforehand for your valuable help,

Best regards,
