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breaking down catigories in a pivot table

  1. #1
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    breaking down catigories in a pivot table

    I have the following data set:

    Date Location Sales
    15-May Store A-1534 $15.00
    22-Jun Store A-5432 $25.00
    23-Jun Store A-433 $10.00
    12-Apr Store B-234 $17.50
    15-Apr Store B-234 $30.00
    22-Jul Store B-42 $32.00
    12-Mar Store C-75 $10.00
    15-May Store C-234 $5.00
    12-Jan Online A-sup023 $30.00
    1-Feb Online B-online $10.00

    I would like to categorize (pivot?) into something similar to this:

    Store Total= $144.50 (dropdown)
    Store A $50.00
    Store B $79.50
    Store C $15.00
    Online Total=$40.00 (dropdown)
    Online A $30.00
    Online B $10.00

    Main categories (store/online) would be drop down menus. in the real data set there are lots more of all descriptions and a couple are spelled wrong.


  2. #2
    Banned User!
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    Re: breaking down catigories in a pivot table

    Attach a sample workbook. Make sure there is just enough data to demonstrate your need. Include a BEFORE sheet and an AFTER sheet in the workbook if needed to show the process you're trying to complete or automate. Make sure your desired results are shown, mock them up manually if necessary.

    Remember to desensitize the data.

    Click on GO ADVANCED and then scroll down to Manage Attachments to open the upload window.

  3. #3
    Forum Guru
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    Re: breaking down catigories in a pivot table

    Are you familiar with Excel's pivot table tools? http://www.excel-easy.com/data-analy...ot-tables.html I was able to come really close to your desired output by:

    1) Parse text into columns
    2) Add a "transaction type" column (with store or online toggles)
    3) Insert Pivot table with
    3a) transaction type and store as the two row labels
    3b) Sum of sales as the value field

    Assuming the database is well designed, that sort of approach should work well for large or small data sets. Would that work for you?

    and a couple are spelled wrong.
    I don't manage databases, so this may not mean much. I would expect that part of managing a database is cleaning up the data. A quick internet search suggests to me that there is an entire field dedicated to "cleaning" or "scrubbing" databases to fix data entry type errors. A couple of results from my search:

    Speaking from my place of ignorance, it seems to me that the best way to handle misspellings is to go through the database and fix those misspellings.
    Quote Originally Posted by shg
    Mathematics is the native language of the natural world. Just trying to become literate.

  4. #4
    Banned User!
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    Re: breaking down catigories in a pivot table

    maybe like this one with a little source modification:
    (as PT or structured table with total row)
    Last edited by sandy666; 08-29-2017 at 01:23 PM. Reason: file updated

  5. #5
    Registered User
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    Re: breaking down catigories in a pivot table

    user client project task duration

    Elisha Rubin Administrative Other Administrative 05:00:00
    Elisha Rubin Emails/Calls Other Emails/Calls 02:00:00
    Elisha Rubin Capitalis 4 BFP Israel Correspondence 00:30:00
    Shaul Klein Team Meeting Other Team Meeting 00:50:00
    Shaul Klein Zacks, Kim BFP Israel Correspondence 00:25:00
    Shaul Klein Administrative Other Administrative 06:00:00
    Shaul Klein Tal, Mika MasAmerica Correspondence 00:20:00
    Shaul Klein Team Meeting Other Team Meeting 00:25:00
    Aaron Hillebert Administrative Other Administrative 03:00:00
    Aaron Hillebert Levy, Dan MasAmerica 1040NR - 2015 01:00:00
    Elisha Rubin Tal, Mika MasAmerica 1040 00:25:00
    Shaul Klein Tal, Mika MasAmerica Team Meeting 03:00:00
    Aaron Hillebert Levy, Dan MasAmerica Emails/Calls 01:00:00
    Aaron Hillebert Levy, Dan MasAmerica 1040 06:00:00

    this is part of a big table i am tring to do pivot table that i group it by project / client /task / user and the value is duration ( i need to add them as )


  6. #6
    Forum Guru
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    Re: breaking down catigories in a pivot table

    @hapitaron10: This forum can be strict about rules -- like not posting your question in the thread of another member. Please start your own thread. You can add a link to this thread, if this thread will help everyone understand what you are trying to do.

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