You can use chart events to determine selection of series and point.
Decode the series formula in order to locate source cell.
toggle between worksheets in order to set a reference to the chart. If this does what you want then you can add code to the Thisworkbook open event to enable chart events.
Private WithEvents m_cht As Chart
Private Sub m_cht_Select(ByVal ElementID As Long, ByVal Arg1 As Long, ByVal Arg2 As Long)
Dim data As Range
If ElementID = 3 Then
If Arg1 = 1 Then
If Arg2 > 0 Then
Set data = Range(Split(m_cht.SeriesCollection(Arg1).Formula, ",")(2))
Application.Goto data.Cells(Arg2), True
m_cht.Parent.Top = data.Cells(Arg2).Top
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
If m_cht Is Nothing Then
Set m_cht = Me.ChartObjects(1).Chart
End If
End Sub