Hi all,
Apologies in advance for my inability to concisely state my issue!
I wish to display Actual and Budget (Forecast) figures for my company at various levels of granularity (Office --> Practice Area --> Team --> Project Code).
I can achieve that with the model I have .
However, I have extra information relating to Actual figures - at their lowest level, the Actuals have an accompanying 'narration' describing the transaction. This information is in the 'narrations' table, and links to my Actuals table.
Of course, Budget figures are not this granular (no transactions), and so I will only be showing Budget data to the Project Code level.
A pivot table with Office/ Practice Area / Team / Project Code on Rows, and Budget and Actual values in Columns, works well.
As soon as I include my Narrations data in the Rows, of course, things don't go so well - it now displays all narration entries under each project code, and the parent row's value of Budget against each narration.
I'm fairly sure this is going to be about relationships, but I am unsure of the best way to phrase a search to lead me to the right solution.
Any help or feedback is very much appreciated.