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Combine 2 Tables into with Sub Total

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  1. #1
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    Combine 2 Tables into with Sub Total

    Dear All,

    If I got 2 tables which are Invoice Table (Sheet "Invoice") & Payment Table (Sheet "Payment") and i want to combine those tables into one table as in Sheet "Resume" which have Sub Total by the Invoice Number, is it possible to do it by Pivot table or Power query?
    Thank you in advance

    Omega Boost
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  2. #2
    Forum Expert
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    Ms Office 2016

    Re: Combine 2 Tables into with Sub Total

    See attached file, I hope that it's what you need.
    I used this code:
    Sub Macro1()
       Dim rs, lRow As Long, r As Long
       Dim invSh As Worksheet
       Dim paySh As Worksheet
       Dim resSh As Worksheet
       Dim myDic As Object, oldInvNr As Long
       Dim oldr As Long
       'constants for field type
       Const adInteger = 3 'for integer and long
       Const adSingle = 4
       Const adDate = 7
       Const adVarChar = 200
       Const adDouble = 5
       On Error GoTo lbl_err
       With ThisWorkbook
          'invoice sheet
          Set invSh = .Sheets("invoice")
          'payment sheet
          Set paySh = .Sheets("payment")
          'resume sheet
          Set resSh = .Sheets("resume")
       End With
       'create an ADODB.Recordset and call it rs
       Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
       Set myDic = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
       'fields for recordset
       With rs.Fields
          .append "type", adInteger
          .append "inv_nr", adInteger
          .append "inv_date", adDate
          .append "unit", adVarChar, 30
          .append "rcp_nr", adInteger
          .append "rcp_date", adDate
          .append "amount", adInteger
          .append "method", adInteger
       End With
       'Read Invoice sheet
       With invSh
          lRow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
          For r = 4 To lRow
             If Not LCase(invSh.Cells(r, 1)) Like "*total*" Then
                rs("type") = 1
                rs("inv_date") = .Cells(r, "b")
                rs("inv_nr") = .Cells(r, "d")
                rs("unit") = .Cells(r, "e")
                rs("amount") = .Cells(r, "f")
                myDic(CLng(.Cells(r, "d"))) = .Cells(r, "b")
             End If
          Next r
       End With
       'Read Payment sheet
       With paySh
          lRow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
          For r = 4 To lRow
             If Not LCase(invSh.Cells(r, 1)) Like "*total*" Then
                rs("type") = 2
                rs("inv_date") = myDic(CLng(.Cells(r, "d")))
                rs("rcp_date") = .Cells(r, "a")
                rs("inv_nr") = .Cells(r, "d")
                rs("unit") = .Cells(r, "b")
                rs("rcp_nr") = .Cells(r, "c")
                rs("amount") = .Cells(r, "e")
                If LCase(.Cells(r, "f")) Like "*cash*" Then
                   rs("method") = 1
                ElseIf LCase(.Cells(r, "f")) Like "*debit*" Then
                   rs("method") = 2
                ElseIf LCase(.Cells(r, "f")) Like "*transfer*" Then
                   rs("method") = 3
                End If
             End If
          Next r
       End With
       'Filter recordset
       'rs.Filter = "unit like '*a*'"
       'Sort recordset
       '[asc], desc
       rs.Sort = "inv_date, inv_nr, type, rcp_date, rcp_nr"
       'output in Resume sheet
       r = 2
       oldr = 3
       Application.ScreenUpdating = False
       With resSh
          .Rows("3:" & Rows.Count).Delete
          Do While Not rs.EOF
             r = r + 1
             If rs("type") = 1 Then
                'Invoice record
                If oldInvNr <> rs("inv_nr") Then
                   If oldInvNr <> 0 Then
                      Call putTotals(resSh, oldr, r)
                      r = r + 1
                      oldr = r
                   End If
                   oldInvNr = rs("inv_nr")
                End If
                .Cells(r, "a") = rs("inv_date")
                .Cells(r, "b") = rs("inv_nr")
                .Cells(r, "c") = rs("unit")
                .Cells(r, "d") = rs("amount")
                .Cells(r, 10) = rs("amount")
                'Payment record
                .Cells(r, "b") = rs("inv_nr")
                .Cells(r, "c") = rs("unit")
                .Cells(r, "e") = rs("rcp_nr")
                .Cells(r, "f") = rs("rcp_date")
                .Cells(r, 6 + rs("method")) = rs("amount")
                .Cells(r, 10) = rs("amount") * -1
             End If
          Call putTotals(resSh, oldr, r + 1)
       End With
       Application.ScreenUpdating = True
       Exit Sub
       Resume Next
    End Sub
    Sub putTotals(resSh, oldr, r)
       Dim b As Byte
       With resSh
          'sub Total
          .Cells(r, 1) = "Sub TOTAL"
          .Cells(r, 1).Font.Bold = True
          .Cells(r, 1).HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
          'invoice number
          .Cells(r, 2) = .Cells(r - 1, 2)
          .Cells(r, "j") = "=sum(J" & oldr & ":r" & r - 1 & ")"
          .Cells(r, "j").Font.Bold = True
          For b = 7 To 11
             'box with data
             With .Range("a" & oldr & ":j" & r - 1).Borders(b)
                 .LineStyle = xlContinuous
                 .ColorIndex = 0
                 .TintAndShade = 0
                 .Weight = xlThin
             End With
             'sub Total row
             With .Range("a" & r & ":j" & r).Borders(b)
                 .LineStyle = xlContinuous
                 .ColorIndex = 0
                 .TintAndShade = 0
                 .Weight = xlThin
             End With
          Next b
       End With
    End Sub
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