All right, this is what I'm trying to do.

I'm trying to make a pie chart (or bar/line chart) with a fixed size that is linked to another cell. Every quarter as new data comes in, the value would automatically populate in the pie chart showing what proportion was achieved in that quarter. I will walk through an example (attached).

Cell D6 is the total area I want of the pie chart. The size of the pie chart needs to be linked to cell D6 (instead of manually entering the number) because this is longitudinal over time and I don't know what the amount is for years 2-5. Only year 1 currently is known.

I would like cells e7:h7 to populate the pie chart showing how much of the total was achieved each quarter. It is unlikely that the full target (d6) will ever be achieved, there will almost always be a remainder. Cells f7:h7 would be populated automatically when new data is generated. Any help is GREATLY appreciated. Thank you in advance.
