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Need help to prepar a chart

  1. #1
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    Need help to prepar a chart

    Hi All
    I need a help to show my number through a graph
    any Expendable outcome will be appreciated.

    I want to show the above table in Graph.in the graph, I want to show

    1) "Expected" Number for Each role which is in "F"
    2) "Expected Vs Actual" Number for Each role which is in "F"
    3) If "Expected Vs Actual" is not matching in compare to "Expected" then where it falls as pe "Current Capability" Table

    EX: Expected no for "Transaction Independent" is 4 out of that my "Expected Vs Actual" is 2 and My "Transaction Dependent"-2

    Please find the table in the attached file.



  2. #2
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    Re: Need help to prepar a chart

    Can you provide any more detail? What chart type do you want to use? What do you want the chart to communicate?

    Assuming the question is specifically about hot to create a chart in Excel, I would suggest starting here: https://support.office.com/en-us/art...__toc255902075 This help file describes the basic steps to creating a chart in Excel. The first step (arrange the data in the spreadsheet) is often important, so pay attention to the suggestions made for your desired chart type.

    If you still have no idea what to do, then I would suggest you select A3:I7 and insert a clustered column chart (or whatever chart type you want). Then see how closely that chart achieves what you want.
    Quote Originally Posted by shg
    Mathematics is the native language of the natural world. Just trying to become literate.

  3. #3
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    Re: Need help to prepar a chart


    please find the attach file if this kind of thing can be done.
    with a picture, I have set it for only " Transaction Dependent ", if the same can be created through a chart.

    also, want to add the success rate as a line chart in the same graph

    Last edited by arindamsenaxa; 04-26-2017 at 10:59 PM.

  4. #4
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    Re: Need help to prepar a chart

    What I see in your picture is a "clustered and stacked" column chart - which is basically a stacked column chart with a "sparse" data arrangement. I would suggest that you study this tutorial http://peltiertech.com/clustered-sta...mn-bar-charts/ to understand how to arrange the data in the spreadsheet, how to add that data to the chart so that you get the "clustered and stacked" look. Then you will be in a better position to adapt those techniques to your data and chart.

    Adding the "success rate" as a line chart should be straightforward after creating the stacked column chart. Like other combination charts, you will add the success rate as its own series, then change the chart type to line. Then work out the primary and secondary axis systems so that you get the desired look.

  5. #5
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    Re: Need help to prepar a chart

    Hi, Today I have to present this in BRM so if anyone can give me an immediate solution for this it will be a great help.

    @MrShorty, thanks for your suggestion, I will go through your link in my free time, but as of now can you give me any possible solution to present this data, because I need to present this in today's meeting.


  6. #6
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    Re: Need help to prepar a chart

    Sleep overcame me before I saw your last post. Did you figure something out?

  7. #7
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    Re: Need help to prepar a chart

    Not get any sollution
    I need it very badly or else I have to present only the data..

  8. #8
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    Re: Need help to prepar a chart

    A quick rundown of the steps to create a clustered and stacked column chart for your data:

    1) First consideration, do you need the table as is? If so, create a copy of the table so you have a good presentation copy of the table, and a copy that you can manipulate and build the chart from. If you don't need a presentation copy of the table, then work on the existing copy.
    2) As I noted above, the bulk of the work of creating a clustered and stacked column chart is arranging the data in the spreadsheet. You will need three rows for each "category", so insert two rows in between each existing row.
    2a) Select rows 7 and 8 and insert rows (Home Tab -> Insert group -> Insert rows command). Select rows 6 and 7 and insert rows. continue until there are two blank rows in between each Role.
    3) The Expected column needs to be in the first row, the expected vs actual values need to be in the second row of each group, and the current capability values need to be in the third row of each group.
    3a) Select B3:B15 (the expected column values) and move them down one row (ctrl-x -> move down one row -> ctrl-v)
    3b) Select E3:I15 (the current capability columns) and move them down two rows.
    4) Insert Stacked column chart
    4a) delete A2 (you can re enter the Roles text later after the chart is created)
    4b) Select A2:I17
    4c) Insert -> column chart -> Stacked column (not 100% stacked column)
    5) Everything should be close to what you show except for the success rate series is one of the stacked columns. Select the success rate series -> change chart type -> line
    6) Format the line series (and other series) to improve the look.

    that won't be exactly what you show in your picture, but it should be close, and should be enough for a "put something together at the last minute" situation.

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