What are the essential elements of this task? I would expect to "draw" these kinds of shapes on an XY scatter chart. Since you have angles and lengths (polar coordinates), the first step is probably to convert polar coordinates for each "corner" of the shapes/polygons into rectangular coordinates used by the XY scatter chart, have those arranged in a way that is easily charted (x coordinates in one column/row and corresponding y coordinates in an adjacent column/row), then create an XY scatter chart from those data. Adding all of the text should be straightforward by adding data labels to various points/series, entering the desired text into the data label, and manually positioning the label in the desired location (this can all be automated, if needed, but it will be a fair bit of programming).
If it helps, here's a tutorial/example I put together illustrating the unit circle http://www.excelforum.com/showthread.php?t=1122215 You can see how I drew two "circles" by converting the polar coordinates for (r,theta) into (x,y) points. You can also see how I drew the "vector" to illustrate the angle.