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Interception of two non linear graphs

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    Interception of two non linear graphs

    Hallo all,

    this is my 1st time ever to post a thread on any forum so I hope I won't write anything inappropriate (or bad written).
    I am trying to make an Excel data that automatically shows the interception point of two curves.

    I am posting my example and I would like you to comment on it.
    It seems to me that this solution does not always give the same result for the interception point.
    if I put another start-end in the column "input"
    - although curve "A" is always the practically same curve no matter where it begins or ends - the input cells are there to make the x-value grow equally in the same step
    -by changing the start and end the step changes also but the curve does not change much
    - i deleted all formulas of curve A and B because the file was too large.

    Please comment
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