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How to create stacked bar chart with country data

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EKN1 How to create stacked bar... 09-23-2016, 11:40 AM
jgodfrey Re: How to create stacked bar... 09-23-2016, 01:42 PM
MrShorty Re: How to create stacked bar... 09-23-2016, 02:01 PM
EKN1 Re: How to create stacked bar... 09-23-2016, 10:29 PM
  1. #1
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    How to create stacked bar chart with country data

    How do I create a stacked bar chart of the following data with years on the x-axis and countries on the y-axis, including country data labels? So something like 1994 would have a stacked bar with height of 2 and each country labelled. I'm using Office 2011 for Mac.


    1994 Estonia Lithuania
    1997 Latvia
    2001 Russia
    2003 Serbia
    2004 Slovakia Ukraine
    2005 Georgia Romania Turkmenistan
    2006 Kyrgyzstan
    2007 Albania Kazakhstan Macedonia Mongolia Montenegro
    2008 Bulgaria Czech Republic
    2009 Belarus Bosnia and Herzegovina
    2011 Hungary

  2. #2
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    Re: How to create stacked bar chart with country data

    I essentially have the same question posted on the general forum! It is still open so hopefully one of us gets a resolution. Just wanted to give you a heads up in case it gets answered there.

  3. #3
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    Re: How to create stacked bar chart with country data

    As the one helping out on jgodfrey's thread, I will note that you appear to have the same problem as him -- your table does not contain the necessary data to create a stacked column chart. You will need some way (details will depend on exactly how your data are laid out) to:
    1) Count the number of countries -- Is each country listed in its own cell, so you can simply use the counta() function, or are your lists of countries text strings in a single cell, so you need a text function to identify country names (and distinguish from conjunctions like "and" which shows up in one case) and then count the countries. Or maybe use Text to Columns to separate country names into their own cells.
    2) From the count of countries, create a row of 1s which can be used in the stacked column chart.
    3) Create the stacked column chart (https://support.office.com/en-us/art...0-e9ab353c4c00 ).
    4) Insert the desired data labels. Pre-2013, this is most easily accomplished using Rob Bovey's XY chart labeler add-in (appspro.com ). 2013 and later have this feature built in. If the country names are a single string, you may need to execute a text to columns to separate out the countries to their own cells, if you did not do it as part of getting the counts.

    What part do you get stuck on?
    Quote Originally Posted by shg
    Mathematics is the native language of the natural world. Just trying to become literate.

  4. #4
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    Re: How to create stacked bar chart with country data

    Thank you MrShorty! After following yours steps and making sure my data selection was right I was able to create a graph.

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