Yesterday I created a few procedures to display charts. They ran fine for the couple hours I was working on them.

Today when I run the same procedures I keep getting a warning message :

"Excel found a problem with one or more formula references in this worksheet.
Check that the cell references, range names, defined names and links to other workbooks in your formulas are all correct."

And if I simply click on the "OK" everything runs fine. The data on the sheet are all entered as values. No formulas nor references. There were formulas, but I copied and paste special as values, then I create the chart from the data. The warning goes off sporadically, sometimes when I halt the code at the line just prior to creating a chart, sometimes after the chart is being created, sometimes after the entire procedure (Sub) has run. I am regarding this about the same as mosquitoes. The table with the data (it is NOT a formal table as in Insert:Table, just data laid out in rows and columns) is named in VBA code as rngData01, and I checked in the immediate window for rngData01.address which was correct.

I tried to get rid of the dang message with setting Application.DisplayAlerts to False, but no good.

Is there a switch to make these things just go away for when I run my charts?