Hi all,
I am creating a timesheet where results (i.e. how many hours were worked per employee, per department etc on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis) will be collated and presented in the form of a chart.
The dates span a full year (Apr '16 to Mar '17) and form part of the header columns of my table (i.e. E7="4-Apr-16", F7="5-Apr-16" and so on upto Mar 2017.
Each employee will have their hours worked for each of the dates.
When I create a pivot table each of the dates naturally appear as separate pivot table fields.
I would like to know how I can:
- Hours worked for employee daily, weekly, monthly and yearly without having to treat each indivual day as a Pivot table field item.
- Determine where a week starts and finishes so I can calculate and present the individual week totals
- Determine where a month starts and finishes so I can calculate present the individual month totals
Please let me know if more clarity is required if you are in a position to assist but are unsure of the requirements.
I am happy to upload a sample if needed.
Many thanks in advance!