Hello Excel Forums!

I was have a question regarding the naming of months in pivot tables and was hoping to get some help.

I have a pivot table. Under the "Row Labels" section I have a field called "Date", which I grouped by year and month. However, instead of having just the month in the pivot table ("May"), I would like to have a concatenation such that I can have the text "(N=#)" right next to the month.

So for May, I'd like it to say "May (n=4)" for example.

The reason I want this is because I have this pivot table linked to a pivot chart, and instead of creating a secondary axis for the N, I want the N to show as a text label right next to each month to visually simplify the chart.

If I was unclear or you need more information from me please let me know. I'll be checking back regularly.

Thanks in advance for your help!