Update: Now I am using a macro as I got it to work for adding labels.
I used a sample online, so the names are like "film series" and so on, but it works
in my file.
2 things I would like the macro to do, now:
1- have the label be in the center of the marker, not to the right
2- (bigger part) - format the series markers. I have 9 series - I would like the series,
by column, to be:
(All: size 15)
column d: blue, circle
e orange, circle
f yellow, circle
g blue, triangle
h orange, triangle
i yellow, triangle
j blue, square
k orange, square
l yellow, square

Sub CreateDataLabels()
'variables for looping over chart objects
Dim FilmChart As Chart
Dim FilmDataSeries As Series
'variables for looping over cells
Dim SingleCell As Range
Dim FilmList As Range
'variable to keep track of number of films
Dim FilmCounter As Integer
FilmCounter = 1
Set FilmList = Range("A10", "A210")
Set FilmChart = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(1).Chart
'loop over each data series and enable data labels
For Each FilmDataSeries In FilmChart.SeriesCollection
FilmDataSeries.HasDataLabels = True
Next FilmDataSeries
'loop over each cell in the list of source data
For Each SingleCell In FilmList
'loop over each series in the chart
For Each FilmDataSeries In FilmChart.SeriesCollection
'change the label text to be the film's name
FilmDataSeries.Points(FilmCounter).DataLabel.Text = SingleCell.Value
Next FilmDataSeries
FilmCounter = FilmCounter + 1
Next SingleCell
End Sub